Government inspection.
Tests will be performed in listed sequence.
All (X) launchers will be loaded with MK 4/MK 40 Motors until obsolete in
Navy inventory, then revert to MK 66 Motors.
All (Y) launchers will be loaded with MK 66 Motors.
With shipping covers and empty.
Without shipping covers and loaded with inert motors with HTUT1/B War-
Hithout shipping covers or fairings and launcher empty.
With forward and aft thermal barriers and loaded with live motors, live
M151 Warheads, and live M427 Fuzes or M423 Fuzes.
Without fairings and loaded with live motors and inert warheads.
Loaded with live motors, inert warheads. All firin9s at ambient condi-
One launcher loaded with MK 66 and one with MK 4/MK 40 together or
With shipping covers and loaded with inert motors only. Remainder of
pallet load will be made up of Government-furnished launchers.
Test spares (launcher samples nine and 10) will be held by the Government
for inspection as deemed necessary by the Government to determine
compliance with the requirements of this specification.
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